PC / Laptop Loan

If you have a requirement for a LOAN PC\Laptop due to financial restraints\PC being repaired or only require it short\long term, then we have a solution for you.

We loan out pre configured PC\Laptops with Windows XP\7 and Open Office installed, additional software can be requested.

Call us if you wish to loan a PC\Laptop. We can provide this service at your home or office.

We will:

  • - Show you cataloge of equipment availble.
  • - Agree length of Loan and cost of this.
  • - Deliver pre-configured PC\Laptop to your home or office.
  • - Set you up on the internet if you have that facility.
  • - Give you brief over view.
  • - Answer any questions you may have.

Loan equipment can be purchased at end of Loan if required

We also NOW loan out Black and white Laser Printers